A New, "A to Z" 
Coaching System That
Takes You From...
Get Tamara's Quick Start Coaching System Now
… to earning $3,000-$5,000/mo from
coaching, in 3 months or less
(and then
to $12,000+/mo within 1-year!)
... to earning 3,000-$5,000/mo from coaching, in 3 months
or less
(and then to $12,000+/mo within 1-year)
A New, "A to Z" Coaching 
System That Takes You From...
A New, "A to Z" 
Coaching System That Takes You From...
... to earning $3,000-$5,000/mo from coaching, in 
3 months or less (and then to $12,000+/mo within 1-year)
… to earning $3,000-$5,000/mo from
coaching, in 3 months or less
(and then
to $12,000+/mo within 1-year!)
“For the first time ever, I’m revealing the simple system that has allowed me 
to build a 7-figure coaching business…while coaching only 1 hour a week!”  
-Tamara Lowe
Dear reader,
It was one of the greatest “AHA” moments in my life… when I realized the “secret” to running a massively influential (and lucrative) coaching business.

This insight helped me build a 7-figure coaching business from scratch — while only coaching 1 hour a week!

And since then I’ve taught this simple truth to thousands of Christians across the globe, and watched them build 6 and 7 figure coaching incomes with it.

The insight that helped
me make millions...
Okay, so here’s what I realized that day
(and I’m still just as convinced of it now):

“You’re already coaching!

You’re just not getting paid for it.”

Think about it like this:

You ALREADY have some God-given gift — unique expertise, stemming from your unique life experience.

You’re ALREADY delivering value.

You’re ALREADY helping people.

… i.e. you’re ALREADY doing 80% of what it takes to run a coaching business!

The only thing you’re NOT doing… the remaining 20%… is to start collecting money for the help you’re giving to people.

That’s it.

Crazy as it sounds… it’s really the only thing you need to do, to have a lucrative coaching business!

So how do you get paid for the coaching
 you’re already doing?

It took me years to create this…

… and then many more years to truly master it…

… but today I use (and teach) a 4-step coaching system — what I call the “ABC’s of coaching” — that converts people who don’t know you and have never heard of you into paying coaching clients very effectively:

Step 1: Attract the people that you want to work with (and who truly need your help).

Step 2: Befriend them by giving them tremendous value and building genuine rapport.

Step 3: Convert them into paying clients with an “irresistible offer”.

Step 4: Deliver on your promises and provide massive value, so your clients stay with you long-term.


Simple. A - B - C - D.

But the TRICK to making this system work is in mastering the following — what I call the…

3 “linchpin” coaching skills: 
Skill #1
Knowing how to fill your strategy sessions with an endless stream of people who are likely to convert into long-term clients

Skill #2
Knowing exactly what to say in your strategy sessions… to create an instant connection with your client and then what to say to convert them
Skill #3
Knowing how to overcome any objection with clarity and confidence… to ensure that those who need you don’t talk themselves out of it 
I call them the “linchpin” skills because once you learn them, the rest falls into place.

Once you master these 3 things, you WILL have a coaching business that keeps growing, seemingly “automatically,” until you’re sitting on a 6-figure income.

I’ve proved this in my own coaching business — and in dozens of my students’ businesses.
Nothing matters more than mastering these 3 skills!

And if you want to master these 3 skills... 

Then what I’m about to share with you will excite you. 

Because in the past, I *have* given out advice on coaching… but it was all piecemeal. 

What I’ve NEVER done… is I’ve never created a comprehensive, step-by-step system that helps people with no prior experience master the 3 “linchpin” skills, and become highly-paid coaches. 

Until now. 

Over the past 8 months I’ve been working on creating a new, “A-Z” system that takes you from zero experience to coaching mastery. 

… in a mere 3 months. 

I call it my “Quick Start Coaching System.” 

QSCS assumes you currently have no list… no leads… and no prior experience coaching.

You come in as a blank slate.

You work through 7.5 hours of “A-Z” training videos…

… and you learn EVERYTHING you need to know, to start signing up paid coaching clients within weeks.

Don’t know how to fill strategy sessions? Covered.

Scared of asking people for money? QSCS tells you exactly what to say, to avoid sounding “salesy,” to build rapport, and to close the sale.

Not sure how to respond when someone tells you they “don’t have enough money”? EVERY major objection is covered in this program… and I’ll give you phrase-by-phrase responses to each of them.

It’s reasonable to expect that, 3 months after going through QSCS, you’ll be earning $3,000-$5,000/mo as a coach. And then, should you continue applying what you learned in QSCS beyond those first 3 months, it’s reasonable to expect hitting a 6-figure income within 1-year.

Start Your Journey To 6-Figure Coaching Now!
Limited Time Offer: (Reg. $2,000)
These BONUSES that come with QSCS are worth 
the cost of admission alone!
In addition to the core curriculum of QSCS…

You receive a LOT of downloadable bonus content.  

In fact, some students say that the bonuses are the best part of QSCS!  

I don’t know whether I agree with them, but I do understand *why* they say this. And it’s because in the bonus content…  

… I don’t just tell you what sorts of things to talk about during your strategy sessions.  

I tell you exactly what to say — word by word, phrase by phrase — to convert the person you’re talking with, and ensure that they sign up to work with you!  

I hand you the exact same scripts that my team uses… which have been PROVEN to work through 1,000’s of successful strategy sessions.

… I don’t just give you advice about how to do marketing for your coaching services.

I give you a paint-by-numbers, fill-in-the-blanks worksheet which helps you create persuasive marketing that is tailored to your target audience.

… I don’t just talk generally about how to overcome objections.

I give you a comprehensive, 20-page guide which will help you respond to every major objection in the books.

Were you to purchase all the downloads individually, they would cost you $2,800!
Here are all the bonuses included: 
Bonuses with Module 1
● Template For Your Ethical Bribe [6 pages] [$200 value]
● “Advertise Your Free Session” Worksheet [3 pages] [$100 value]
● Your Value Proposition Worksheet [3 pages] [$100 value]
Bonuses with Module 2
● Speaker Evaluation Sheet [1 page] [$50 value]
● Social Media Status Swipe [3 pages] [$200 value]
● Abbreviated Strategy Session Script [5 pages] [$600 value]
Bonuses with Module 3
● Strategy Session Best Practices [5 pages] [$300 value]
● Frequent Objections & How To Overcome Them [20 pages] [$500 value]
● Your Free Session Script [12 pages] [$600 value]
Bonuses with Module 4
● Client Retention Worksheet [1 page] [$50 value]
● Sample Coaching Agreement [2 pages] [$100 value]

(Total Bonus Value: $2,800)

In summary:

The bonus downloads which are separate from the core curriculum… they alone are worth more than the cost of tuition for this program!
Start Your Journey To 6-Figure Coaching Now!
Limited Time Offer: (Reg. $2,000)
QSCS Case Study 1 - Robin Lewis:
$58,000 of coaching signed up, in her first month
One person who went through QSCS recently, Robin Lewis, brands herself as “The Freedom Coach.” She helps people who have experienced various forms of trauma find healing and deliverance, through Spirit-led prayer. 

Prior to QSCS, Robin had a handful of coaching clients. But not nearly enough for her to make a living off of. One month after completing QSCS, however, Robin had upped her average monthly coaching fee to $1500/mo/client! …and she added an extra $4,800/mo to her income — which, over the course of the year, will be a sizeable $58,000!

Here’s what Robin said about her experience with the program:
“QSCS literally gave me more of a voice - more confidence to say ‘this is what I do and yes, I get results.’ It taught me how to set up a program, how to hold strategy sessions successfully, and how to sign up and maintain new clients. There are many other things I learned that I've not implemented yet! I’m just getting started… QSCS is an answer to prayer!”

QSCS Case Study 2 - Amy K. Smith:
“Prior to QSCS, I didn’t have a
coaching business… I had a dream.”
Amy K Smith came to QSCS with zero business experience, and zero coaching experience. But what she "did" have was some experience with dog training, a willing spirit, and a dream!

Two months into the program, she had successfully signed up her first 3 paid coaching clients. I asked her to share about her experience with QSCS. Here’s what she said:  

“Prior to QSCS, I didn't have a coaching business! I had a dream. That dream has been made a reality through applying the skills I've learned in QSCS and gaining my first paid clients! I've given information and advice away for free for years and finally, I'm reaping where I've sown.  

I would absolutely recommend QSCS to anyone who desires to be a coach. It is a precise blueprint to guide you through your session with confidence. I'm so thankful for the knowledge and skills from Coach Tam in QSCS turning my God-given dream into reality! I'm eternally grateful!!!”

Start Your Journey To 6-Figure Coaching Now!
Limited Time Offer: (Reg. $2,000)
QSCS Case Study 3 - Bonnie Liotta:
Mom specializing in parenting signs up
$3,700/mo of coaching clients in 2 months
Bonnie Liotta decided to brand herself as a parenting coach. She helps busy, frustrated parents who are raising children who display disruptive behaviors.

She came into QSCS with an open mind, and a lot of energy… and 2 months later she walked away with $3,700/mo worth of coaching clients (6 new clients in total)!  

Also, during those 2 months she signed up a client who paid for the entire year in one payment — $6,000 in one fell swoop. All in all, over the course of a year Bonnie will have earned $44,400 — solely from the clients she signed up in those first 2 months. Think of how much she’ll be earning within 6-12 months of applying the system!  

Here’s what Bonnie had to say about her experience with QSCS:  

“The Quick Start Coaching gave me the system to attract people to schedule their own sessions. It also provided me with the exact words to use to build up to a simple close… as well as the confidence to offer higher packages! 

I would completely recommend QSCS to others because it includes exact words to use to book strategy sessions on a regular basis without a struggle, how to set up coaching systems and programs and still have a life, and how to get higher-end clients! Awesome stuff!”  

If you can sign up just 1 client using QSCS,
it pays for itself

Signing up 1 client is NOT that hard —

— especially when you know exactly what to do to fill your strategy sessions… exactly what to say on your strategy session, to build rapport with your client… and exactly what to say in response to every objection they raise, until they’re 100% sold on paying you to coach them.  

… which is exactly what QSCS shows you how to do.  

QSCS eliminates the guesswork and the spontaneous, “shoot from the hip” methods of trying to close a sale...  

… by giving you actual *scripts,* and templates, and responses to objections, which have been PROVEN to convert people into high-paying coaching clients… at crazy-high conversion rates! In my own business, and in my students’ businesses. Time and time again.  

Think about it:  

Even if you’re able to just sign up just 1 client at $500/mo from what you learn in QSCS...  

… you’d just need to keep that client for 2 months, and the program would pay for itself!  

Then if you kept on signing up 1 client a month for the rest of the year… by the end of the year, QSCS will have paid for itself a whopping 37 times over. 

Start Your Journey To 6-Figure Coaching Now!
Limited Time Offer: (Reg. $2,000)
Afraid you’ll BUY this but not APPLY this?

I get it.

You’re afraid you’ll BUY this material… but not APPLY this material.  

It’s a struggle we all have!  

This is why I’ve decided to run a massive, 4-month implementation contest — starting right after this QSCS launch sale closes!  

Three winners will be chosen… and each will choose between two amazing prize options: 

● All your tuition for QSCS paid back ($1,000 value) 


● A $5,000 KBA consulting package — where myself, and KBA President Zack Lowe, will take a close look at your product, your offer, your systems… and we’ll get on video conference with you, and help you identify opportunities for doubling (or in some cases tripling or even 10X’ing) your income ($5,000 value) 

Contestants will be judged based on three criteria: 

        1. The number of coaching clients you’re able to sign up in 4 months (25%) 
        2. Actual dollar amount that you collect in 4 months (50%)
        3. The quality of your marketing message and materials (25%)

I’ve done competitions like this before. And it’s crazy to me how much a bit of light-hearted competition can motivate you to take MASSIVE action.  

And also, beyond being a great mechanism for kicking you into high-gear…  

… this contest will just be fun! 

You’ll be surrounded by dozens of Kingdom Builders students on the same mission as you, working your butts off to help people, get paid, and create lives that you truly love.  

It’s just gonna be in the air. A spirit of motivation… of ACTION… of taking risks and trying new things. And that’s why you really need not worry about this whole “buy but not apply” thing.  

Join the contest. Play to win. And you WILL find yourself applying the material like crazy!  

Start Your Journey To 6-Figure Coaching Now!
Limited Time Offer: (Reg. $2,000)
Included: FREE membership in my brand new
Coaching Mastermind Facebook Group
Lots of Facebook groups are useless.

However. When done right…  

… and a meaningful, actionable, inspiring culture is established in the group…  

… magical things happen.  

The best Facebook groups strike a perfect balance between honest, critical feedback that substantially helps you improve… and a kind, supportive, group-wide effort to build each other up and encourage each other.  

Honest feedback AND kind encouragement.  

Most Facebook groups offer only one of these — either harsh feedback and criticism that DIScourages more than anything, and makes you feel like a failure — OR they offer mushy comments that affirm you and make you feel all warm and fuzzy, but don’t help you GROW!  

If you join QSCS… 

… you will be invited to join a brand new Facebook mastermind group that will have both these elements. Encouragement AND honest feedback. Kindness *and* growth.  

And I will be active in this Facebook group. So you’ll be hearing direct input from me personally, on a regular basis.

If you DON’T double your investment
with this… I’ll pay you $2,000!

You *will* get results with QSCS.

I’m so confident of this… I’m putting my money where my mouth is.  

If you complete the program, and consistently apply the teachings over the course of 4 months, and DON’T earn double your money back… i.e. if you… 

        - Watch all the video trainings 
        - Complete the checklists
        - Promote your strategy sessions via the methods I teach
        - Do your strategy sessions using the scripts I give you

… and don’t make $2,000 from it…  

I will *pay* you $2,000.  

Just send an email to support@kingdombuilders.academy, explain your situation (my team will ask a few questions to confirm that you completed and applied the program), and I’ll wire $2,000 to your bank account.  

In other words… 

Either you buy this, apply this, and earn at least double what you paid for the system (i.e. $2,000)... OR you buy this, apply this, don’t earn double your investment, and I PAY you double what you paid (i.e. $2,000).  

Either way, you’re earning $2,000!  

Why am I doing this?  

… because I’m extremely confident you’ll be earning more than double your investment in QSCS.  

There’s simply no risk.  

This will *not* leave you high and dry.  

Worst case scenario you buy this, work hard for 4 months, learn a TON, and walk away $1,000 richer than when you started. Not so bad, right?  

… and best case scenario you buy this, work hard for 4 months, build a $3,000/mo-$5,000/mo coaching income, gain more freedom and margin in your life, and go on to build a 6-7 figure coaching business, helping people, traveling, and sharing your message with the world.  

Start Your Journey To 6-Figure Coaching Now!
Limited Time Offer: (Reg. $2,000)
Oh — and this week is your ONLY chance to Join QSCS!  

This is a rare opportunity.

The reason I created QSCS was primarily to help the members of my personal “Inner Circle” coaching group — who pay $12,000 a year to be a part of Inner Circle.  

And after this week, QSCS will go back to only being available to Inner Circle members. Meaning you’ll have to pay $12,000 to access the content.

So if QSCS sounds like it’s a fit for you… 

You should probably join sooner rather than later!  

I may open up the program for general admission again, at some point in the future… but IF I do, it won’t be for another year at least. (And, I promise you, it won't be at this low of a price). 


I’ve said enough.  

You should have plenty of information to make an informed decision about this program.  

This system — what I teach in QSCS — it’s worked for me.  

It’s worked for hundreds of my students.  

All of my Inner Circle students who have gone through QSCS rave about it. They say it’s the best thing I’ve ever created. And I think I’d have to agree.  

It gives you ALL the scripts, templates, worksheets, training, and phrasing you need to start filling your funnel with hungry coaching prospects… and convert them into paying clients.  

This is an INVESTMENT in your future.  

Yes, it costs money.  

But the tuition is *precious* little compared to the value you receive — and the money you’ll be earning when you apply this information.  

There are single, 6-word insights within QSCS that alone will pay for the entire thing.  

The cart will close and the contest will start soon.  

Ready to stop dreaming and start coaching?  

Start Your Journey To 6-Figure Coaching Now!
Limited Time Offer: (Reg. $2,000)
Copyright @ 2017-2018 Kingdom Builders Academy